Idols And Altars

*2014: exploring the wilderness in Israel / Jordan

*2014: exploring the wilderness in Israel / Jordan

I was reading through Exodus 22 this morning and a line caught my attention. 

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites this: ‘You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven:  Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold. Make an altar of earth for me…”

To paraphrase God commands His people to not make idols or other gods of silver or gold but instead build earthen altars. Don’t make idols, build altars.

Most of the idols in my life are subtle. They used to be straight up bad things, but now days they are typically good things that I elevate to ultimate things. They look like my career going as planned, my body looking like I want it to, my evenings having enough entertainment, my politics completely working out as i see fit, or my romantic life being Instagram worthy.

I discovered my idols by considering what I first think about when I wake up, what stirs my emotions, what consumes my time, what my heart gravitates toward, what keeps me up at night.

Idols are gods that want to slowly take our love and loyalty. Altars are places where we choose to give love and loyalty to God.

Idols promise fulfillment but lead to subjugation. Altars lead to freedom but call for sacrifice.

Idols end up enslaving the we who worship them. Altars are where we worship the God who rescues and frees the enslaved.

Idols are gods that if you fail them they don’t use their power to help you but instead demand more from you. Jesus is the only God who, when you fail Him, gives up power and status to become an altar sacrifice for you.

Idols and altars both make promises and both have costs. Don’t make idols. Build altars.

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